Elon Musk, as one of the leading entrepreneurs and technologists, has always actively advocated the development of artificial intelligence (AI) taking into account the interests and benefit of humanity. OpenAI, the organization he co-founded, was originally conceived as a project whose goal was to develop AI for the benefit of society rather than for commercial purposes. The filing of a lawsuit against OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman is allegedly related to the violation of this idea and agreements on developing AI for the benefit of humanity. If an organization or its leadership deviates from the original principles and goals established at creation, it can lead to disagreements and conflicts. Elon Musk has always emphasized the importance of ethics and safety in AI development, which is why his reaction to breaking the agreement is to develop AI for the benefit of humanity rather than for profit, may be related to concerns about the future development of technology and protecting the interests of society. This case highlights the importance of maintaining ethical principles and goals in technology development, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, and taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions.‎