Not many people play options on Binance. Binance options liquidity will only skyrocket when the market is good. When it plummets, unless the market has passed, try not to cut the flesh.

Options are about betting on probability. Time and buying price are a good dimension. I have not bought altcoins. Recently, I have been buying call options. The account has slowly increased from 500 US dollars at the beginning of the year to 5,000 US dollars. I hope it will increase this month. to ten thousand dollars.

My exposure to options trading started in 2021 with the U.S. stock market. After the U.S. stock market plummeted, I liquidated my positions in the U.S. stocks. I started buying Ethereum options continuously in October 2023. The liquidity of Ethereum options was too poor, so I focused on Bitcoin options trading from the end of 2023. I have played the contract several times, and it plummeted every time. It is not suitable for me. It is too volatile and easy to lose principal, so I will focus on options and altcoin defi trading in the future.

This call option with a target price of US$47,000 expired on April 26. I sold it during the Spring Festival. I can earn an extra US$2,000-3,000 now. It is a pity, but I bought it during the period of whether the Bitcoin spot ETF passed the approval period. I lost all the call options worth more than 2,000 U.S. dollars. I was afraid of losing money but I still closed when the gains were good. I only made less than 1,000 U.S. dollars.

I am firmly optimistic about Bitcoin. Options trading is highly volatile. It is better to sell when you are making money than to lose money. However, it is unbearable to sell an option too early and miss thousands of dollars in profits. I still cannot judge and cannot afford to lose. Haha, the biggest disadvantage of poor people’s investment is to sell assets that can continue to grow too early. According to stock trader Jesse Livermore, once it rises, it is likely to continue to hit new highs. This is the recent trend of Bitcoin.

After Grayscale Fund sold a large amount of money before the Spring Festival, Bitcoin once fell to 38,000 US dollars. Just one month later, Bitcoin basically doubled. If you had bought 2 call options with a target price of 38,000 US dollars at that time, you could basically make a profit. The cost of one Bitcoin is only about 10,000 US dollars, and the rate of return can reach more than 500%. This is the leverage effect of options trading. Let's play with options, not contracts.

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