♦️ The big cake sucks blood, and most of the copycats are resting.

The big market is rising, but most copycats are not rising or are rising slightly.

The big pie fell, and most of the copycats fell sharply.

Blacklist you to short the big pie, otherwise you will lose money before the bull market even starts.

The pattern must be enlarged, and we must see the big cycle in mid-25 to win.

The short-sightedness of a mouse is too short-sighted. If you care about the current correction of three or two thousand, you will be foolish in the end.

In January, I repeatedly emphasized that if the big pie is 40,000, just go for it. Don’t care about the small amount of money that comes back. Look at the big cycle and don’t be short. At that time, there were still bullies who were abusing them. Now are those bullies feeling happy?

Looking at the big cycle, whether it is 30,000, 40,000 or 50,000 entering the market, it is correct. What's more terrifying than a correction and a plunge is to go short. If you don't mess around, you can win steadily in 25 years.

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