Facet introduction:

$Facet is a secure, decentralized and affordable computing platform.

All Facet transactions are Ethereum transactions, and all Facet data are stored on Ethereum. However, by changing the way these transactions and data are interpreted, Facet enables you to use Ethereum at a much lower cost than “original model” without sacrificing security or decentralization.

$Facet is an inscribed asset fairly issued and operated by the community.

The mission of the Facet community is to promote and spread the Facet protocol, apply it to various fields such as DeFi, GameFi, SocialFi, etc., and advocate this new paradigm revolutionary movement.

Facet belongs to the Ethereum ecosystem and is an alternative to Ethereum L2. The above ecosystem has also developed rapidly in the past two months. The recent 404 Facetbirds will also update small inscription pictures to be traded on the platform in the future.

Looking forward to the explosion of Aether Inscription! ! !

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