The most popular public chain this week is undoubtedly the arb public chain. Why do you say this? For example, the aidoge project issued on the arb chain has doubled a hundred times and finally got OK again. It can be said to be a success.

Today I will introduce this project which is even more powerful than aidoge. Let me briefly talk about it first.

The name of the project is aifloki, which is a blockchain game project based on the arb chain, integrating high APY, gaming, NFT promotion, token destruction and other features. As a new type of blockchain game, aifloki aims to provide users with a creative and exciting gaming experience while also allowing them to earn profits. In aifloki, users can obtain token rewards through games, which can be used to purchase NFT, participate in community governance, etc. Additionally, tokens in aifloki are burned, which helps maintain their stability and value.

The profits of the early stage of chain game projects are very high. It can be said that if you participate a week early, you will get your money back. For example, the previous running shoes will pay back your money in three or four days and cannot be used for a week. But in the end, why are these chain games half dead? It’s because I can’t handle it and use selling pressure. But in this aifloki you don't have to worry at all. You must ask why? Because it is a destruction mechanism, tokens will be continuously destroyed through the high liquidity of chain games and NFTs, which helps maintain the stability and value of tokens. This token destruction mechanism can also make the value of the token more stable, increase the user's holding value, and increase the total number of tokens to one trillion.

Official website:

White paper:

Official Twitter:

Let’s talk about the benefits he thinks from chain games. In the early stage of this project, there are still airdrops that can be used for free. All you need to do is generate an exclusive link on the official website and invite qualified friends to get airdrops. There is also the staking mode, where aifloki holders can stake their aifloki tokens through the Earn page to obtain rewards. The Earn page mortgages their aifloki tokens to obtain rewards. There are also random lottery rewards. The lottery is divided into 10 levels and is suitable for transactions between 100u-1000u. There is no lottery reward for transactions below 100u. The higher the lottery level, the greater the chance of winning.

Let’s talk about NFT as an important part of promoting the ecological development of aifloki and an indispensable part of the aifloki blockchain game market. Each NFT cast requires an equal amount of AIfloki to be summoned successfully, and each NFT is spawned by a different member of the Woof Woof Squad. There is a quantity limit for nft, but there is no time limit until all are collected. The higher the nft's star rating, the rarer its status. Each NFT can be traded on the official NFT market. Woof Woof Squad role-based NFTs are one of the most important aspects of earning rewards on the blockchain. The star rating of an NFT determines the chances of your adventure succeeding, with rare NFTs providing an even greater advantage. The star rating of nft also indicates that you are qualified to challenge different levels of reward pools. Higher level pools are often accompanied by more generous rewards. However, higher returns come with higher market risk.

Finally, there is his game mode, Shiba Inu Team nft, which is the basis for defining the conditions and rewards of on-chain gold mining in the game. Each NFT requires the minting of equal value AiFLOKI tokens, and they have different star attributes. The higher the star rating, the rarer the nft. The cumulative number and star rating of nft also determine the level of the reward pool that your team can challenge. The higher the level, the more generous the rewards. Randomly mint equal value aifloki tokens to obtain Team Shiba Inu NFT characters. NFT is divided into 1-3 stars. The higher the star rating, the rarer the NFT. The accumulated number of stars determines the level of the reward pool that can be challenged. Each Shiba Inu team participating in the adventure can only consist of a maximum of three nft. Each adventure requires an aifloki token challenge fee equivalent to 10U as the expedition fee, and the rewards are distributed according to a multiple of the challenge fee for each adventure.

After careful study, I still feel that this project is very good, and the economic model is also good. It is still in the early stage of the project. The first batch of users who enter the market can basically make money. It is still okay to increase their participation by more than ten times in the early stage. The second thing is to still make money. Token destruction can ensure the value of the token, and there is no need to worry about the early collapse. #BTC