How to make yourself better is a must-read!

Spend more time with wise people.

When the Buddha preaches, the wick of a lamp can turn into essence.

Buddha preaches, the eagle on his shoulder,

All can become spirits. Buddha lectures,

Even mice that steal oil can become sperms!

Use all means to get in touch with more,

Excellent or high-level people,

Your imagination will be opened and you will be transformed and reborn!

At the same time, you will also find that most of them are ordinary people,

Even very simple,

After realizing this,

You will become confident.

If you deliberately keep your distance from such people,

It's easy for you to think that the other person is superior,

The more this happens,

The more you feel inferior!

Equality cannot truly be established!

Follow me and make a little progress every day!

#牛市布局 #第一符文龙头burn