#CryptoInvesting #cryptocurrencies

Warning: be careful with some users who create ads about assets that are going to go up or down.

Yesterday, I came across announcements from several users of the platform saying that some assets were going to go up or down, without doing a prior analysis.

This is because, without knowing how to read or interpret trends or graphs in time frames, and by simply publishing an image without taking into account the history of the cryptocurrency or token, they often make advance guesses, confusing users.

Also what I have seen is that several users copy and paste information from other Cryptocurrency analysis sites. Keep this in mind: ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH on the data first.

Why does one out there see that a user with many followers announces that an asset is going to rise, and users usually get into the last impulse of the bullish trend and then lose their funds due to ignorance and by trusting someone who does not have technical knowledge. AVOID FUTURE DISCOMFORT.

This is advice, since those of us who trade professionally avoid creating random news for the sake of creating it. It's Honesty. There are many honest trading users, but you must know how to differentiate them from the honest ones and those who are not.

#BitcoinETF💰💰💰 #Ethereum #InvestmentOpportunity