Today’s market analysis (2024.2.24)

$BTC's sideways range support has not been broken around 50,600. Tomorrow we will observe whether the weekly positive line closes and the MA20/120 pullback support.

The AI ​​sector is showing signs of stalling, and $WLD is experiencing a correction in the upward trend. There is a high probability that it will wait until the adjustment is made before choosing a direction.

The leader of the BTC ecological sector, $ORDI/$1000SATS, is undergoing a correction, please wait patiently. ARC20 has become increasingly popular recently.

$UNI has great fundamentals, but there is a lot of hold-up above, and it may continue to rise, but with limited profit margins.

Happy Lantern Festival🏮

#Uni空投 #BTC #ARC-20