Story of $100 to $2 Billion As a child, he was so much interested in stock markets, because of his passion for the stock market he started trading very early in his life.

Jhunjhunwala bought six crore shares of Titan in 2002-03 at an average price of around Rs 3. The stocks were priced(in 2014) trading at 390 Rs level, and his investment increased from 18 crores to 2100 crores.

He made many more so-called "high valued" investments.

"No doubt, he is smart in his ways. But there is always a bit of luck and loads of hard work and research involved."

He believes in making mistakes.If you don't admit that it is your mistake, you will never learn, so make hell lot of mistakes and get over it asap.Getting up early in the morning gives you a "head start."

Note: Below Picture of jhunjhunwala..!
