⚠️ Attention: Avoid Falling into this Pitfall ⚠️

"Prior to engaging in any trades, ensure to adhere to the following guidelines diligently:

🔍 Stay vigilant about the prevailing market trends before making any trading decisions.

📉 Never go against the flow of the market trend. Even if individual charts indicate a different trajectory, opposing the market trend is likely to result in substantial losses. Always corroborate with the overall market trend before initiating any trades.

📊 During periods of bullish market sentiment, refrain from trading based on bearish patterns. The contradiction between the market trend and individual chart patterns can introduce uncertainty into price movements, potentially leading to losses.

🔄 Identify charts exhibiting consistent and smooth patterns. While trading in highly volatile assets may offer favorable initial price movements, there's a heightened risk of triggering stop-loss orders before the trade moves in the desired direction.

⛔ Maintain strict adherence to your stop-loss orders and abstain from attempting to anticipate trend reversals. In bearish market conditions, focus solely on 'sell' positions and avoid 'buying' altogether.

❗ Beware of false breakouts that can prompt sudden reversals in price direction. Exercise caution and refrain from entering trades immediately. Genuine turnarounds or price reversals typically coincide with shifts in the overall market trend.

💡 Bonus Tip: In the event of a sudden shift in market sentiment, limit the number of trades and adjust your stop-loss orders to provide a buffer against heightened price fluctuations in the volatile market environment."

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