It’ll not be about giving suggestions. I am not that pro to advise you with signals and potions to be profitable. I am in the second year of my crypto journey only. I’ll be trying to evaluate my developments and share them in various forms in front of you. There will be thoughts, pieces of information, and mistakes I think I should have avoided.

Let’s grow together.

The first thing I’ve made myself adapt to is to avoid impulsive trading. I had to train myself hard to resist this. In the beginning, it’s always that adrenaline that’ll push you to take non-calculative risks. The stories of taking risks and being successful always stay in our minds. Exercise is needed to make calculative decisions.

Two things I've tried to achieve in the beginning phase. Taking spot trades in a reliable coin for a longer period of time. I tried to practice fundamental analysis in the token. I have observed information and followed the social of that particular token. Moreover, I tried to read as many news articles as I could find on the internet about the hype of the token. Secondly, I picked a new token to repeat the whole process. Analyzing trades and tokens helped me to be stabilized to an extent.

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