Summary of recent airdrop projects that can be played:

#Berachain test network, estimated to be airdropped in April or May. The main operations are swap, deploy contracts, mint $honey, provide liquidity, pledge, and domain name minting.

#MagicEden To earn points, you can use the offer method to earn points. It should be noted that the offer must be within a certain range before points are given. The points given now are far less than the points given some time ago. If you want to increase your points by staking usdc in exchange for sol, you can do it on kamino. Kamino may not be able to issue coins yet, so you might be able to gain both points.

#Mode L2 layer, the official clearly stated that it will be airdropped in April. You can check your points on the official website, and use more interactive ecological applications. There are some rules about points and tokens on the official website.

Kiloex, aevo decentralized exchange, both are about to issue coins, but currently alevo is relatively small, both of them are trading volume, but there will be some wear and tear.

#orbiter The little flying saucer crosses the chain every day, earns points by doing more of his tasks, and also does tasks on the Milky Way from time to time.
