1. The scale of the Hong Kong Carnival was unexpected by the organizers. It was caused by the superposition of the three-year epidemic and the Hong Kong political chain. It was a random event.

2. There are more than 100 events. It is essentially impossible for anyone to complete the Grand Slam. But as far as I know, a friend has checked in 80% of them. For this reason, he also made a topological routing for the Hong Kong subway.

3. The biggest gain for most participants in the entire carnival is meeting more than N industry netizens on WeChat, which is very warm.

4. But perhaps because of fear of not being able to fulfill the promise, the expected famous scene did not appear at the meeting. Sun Ge was the same as Xue Manzi back then. Even if it was XXXXX, he was still XXXXX. The details will not be revealed.

5. I participated in the entire carnival for four days and stood on ten rooftops. I can only say that WEB3 really likes the rooftops and enjoyed traveling from New York to Singapore to Hong Kong. The builders of WEB3 should be glad that it is not the rainy season in Hong Kong this week, otherwise so awkward

6. From the establishment of the Hong Kong WEB3 Association to the "WEB3 Potential Theory" of Chief Executive Li Jiachao, Hong Kong's new policies have come unexpectedly and violently, which is worthy of our excitement. After all, there is no comparison between the 5-hour flight time from Slope County and the 30-minute direct flight from Shenzhen. of

7. But while we are excited, we must think about whether the new policy is really prepared for digital nomads or has another intention. Compared with the current situation of the digital economy, don’t you see that most of them are replying to Middle Eastern artists? Whether digital culture going overseas can help the digital renminbi achieve global decoupling from the U.S. dollar? This big topic seems to be more attractive and missionary for Hong Kong.

8. In the entire carnival, I should be the little OG who received the most picture circles (digital collections). I can clearly feel their willingness to integrate under the Lion Rock. This should also be what Hong Kong, a place where the East and the West blend, is best at carrying. Mission, from now on, in addition to digital nomads, the new term digital comprador will be born to re-describe those old people. We can start a new journey by putting on new vests. If we cannot be Columbus, we can choose to be Magellan, and at the end we can become Marco Polo. , as long as the New World can really be formed

10. I have some different views on Mr. Wanxiang Xiao’s views on WEB2.5. Like the alliance chain, WEB2.5 is an intermediate form of transition from WEB2.0 to WEB3.0, which is more in line with Hong Kong’s current positioning. At the same time, I always I believe that the WEB3 project cannot just have a bunch of highly valued tokens and gorgeous narratives.

12. After producing ultra-high heat, there are generally two routine operations.

13. Wanxiang is really not the main factor in the skyrocketing price of hotels and air tickets in Hong Kong this time. It is more due to the Science and Technology Exhibition on the third floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center and the Mayday Hung Hom Concert. Don’t be too self-indulgent and go out.