Recently, it has been raining a lot of gossip. The internal fight of OpenAI has been endlessly reversed. All kinds of media have been celebrating, reporting it differently every day, and the traffic is booming. Well, in fact, the internal fight of OpenAI is no longer a matter of eating gossip. It is that no one can understand what is going on. Those who can interpret it are interpreting it, and the development of the situation is completely confusing. Just when I was writing this article, things have changed again.

It's really fucking~
On the other hand, Binance was fined $4.3 billion by the United States. CZ pleaded guilty and was released on bail of $175 million. He posted a message saying that he was going to resign. The original text is as follows (I directly Google translated it)



I don't want to judge who is right or wrong. To be honest, I don't have any big emotions. After all, we are in the cryptocurrency circle. The community style is also rational worship. We should always focus on interests. I just want to say that CZ has really devoted himself to the cause. Who can do better than the US government? Who can deny that the exchange is laundering money? CZ emphasized that Binance has not been accused of misappropriating user funds and has not manipulated the market. He praised the next generation of successors. It is said that with 4.3 billion, there is no need to sell coins at all. Isn't it for the reputation of the platform?

I made myself a glass of whiskey and syrup, took a couple of sips, and got myself in the mood, so let's chat.

For a dual player like me in the AI ​​and cryptocurrency circles, I really feel indescribable
On the one hand, I am very grateful to OpenAI and Binance. The former allowed me to come into contact with such a great product as ChatGPT, which instantly filled our lives with new values, which is related to the meaning of life and death. The latter is the pride of the Chinese in the currency circle. How much wealth has been made because of it. I am one of the guys I feed. Without Binance, where would there be so many Binance tokens to make money?
On the other hand, I am really unhappy. Although I know that the United States is the birthplace of this wave of wealth codes and that money must have been made from them, the AI ​​banner is still in the United States, and CZ is being controlled by the United States. No matter how much I worry, it can't stop the little throbbing in my heart.

No matter what, I am a Chinese.
In short, in order to be useful, this article will not analyze what has happened, nor will it study the slots of these struggles. Our purpose is only one

What then? What does it have to do with us?

AI Circle
Let's first review the timeline of this series of messy reversals

The order of events is indeed a bit confusing and a bit fabricated, but what can be confirmed at the moment is that Ultraman has returned to OPENAI.
Recently, Chatgpt has been stuck in various ways. It can be seen that the internal chaos has had a certain impact on it. Some people say that this is a good opportunity for domestic companies to overtake. I smiled and said nothing. I still hope that when you treat tools, you can be as ruthless as possible and use whichever one is easy to use.
On the other hand, WLD has really experienced various ups and downs

This coin can vaguely reflect the situation of Ultraman, but the correlation is still too poor. Just do the band well. At present, it seems that there is no big problem.

Understanding the nature of OPenAI's internal turmoil, we can roughly understand that it is difficult for idealists who only rely on product development to make a living in this world, and they will inevitably be excluded by those in power.


In addition to saying that people who can get things done are definitely better than those who wield power, I also want to talk about two other topics.
First: What will happen to OpenAI next?

To be honest, this topic is meaningless. We should consider a key point: where is the traffic? So many users who are eager to pay are still blocked outside. Who will give up these users? In this world today, who dares to offend users casually?
Therefore, OpenAI has to do its best to retain this group of users, including Ultraman, who is not a fool. No matter how idealistic he is, he will weigh the pros and cons and give priority to the platform that is easier to develop. As for Microsoft, everyone says that it has lost because it almost recruited all the core personnel of OpenAI. In fact, even if Ultraman goes back, it will still lose. It has proved one thing to the world: as long as Ultraman wants, Microsoft is always welcome to welcome us. We can rest assured that ChatGPT will still be a mainstream large-model product for a long time to come. Everyone can use it as they please, and no one will give up this piece of fat.

Second, the great role of leaders
Regardless of the circle, have you noticed a problem, that is, entrepreneurial stars play a pivotal role. We can ignore OpenAI, but basically only recognize Ultraman. In theory, if Ultraman changes companies, it will be difficult for him to create a ChatGPT. However, the leader not only plays the role of spiritual guide, but also represents the most important brand cultural value of the company.
So if you want to start a business, please introduce a spiritual leader. He or she will be the flag that stands tall.

To sum up, there are basically no major problems with the AI ​​in this whole film, and everyone enjoys the music and dancing.
What I want to say is that it is not difficult to bring any practical value to eating melons. There are two points that are really valuable: 1. How many public accounts will write about big melons at the first time to attract attention and traffic.
This is a good job (except for those low-quality content, which is populist and dumb, making people laugh and cry). 2. Investment
In the AI ​​industry, this level of turmoil has made people who bought Microsoft stocks and WLD stocks profitable. It is so practical to make money, which is much more useful than just eating melons. Next, I will definitely study the AI ​​sector currencies that can be invested in more deeply, if for no other reason, so that everyone can enjoy the real industry dividends.

Coin Circle
Let me list the timeline of Binance’s problems with the help of GPT4. For me, I only know that it was after 94 in 2017 when Zhao Changpeng decisively went overseas to do BN and quickly established his foundation until now.

So what will happen to the cryptocurrency world?
We have to look at this from multiple angles:
What will happen to Binance's development? Binance's current attitude is very clear. It fully welcomes supervision. Although it repeatedly emphasizes the security of user funds, users still need some time to digest this large negative event. Combined with the spiritual leadership influence of the founder mentioned above, only the evergreen CZ is left among the top three in China. He still can't stand the pressure and faces imprisonment while resigning. Binance's brand value can fall by 60%. Indeed, I believe that my funds are safe, and Binance's services will not stagnate. I am assured of the platform, but I will question the rising space of the platform's internal targets. Welcoming supervision will inevitably bring some behaviors to be timid, afraid of making mistakes, and simply giving money to US regulators and then continuing to do what you want is not realistic. It's like a dark cloud covering, unless the sun is strong enough.
As for what this sunshine is, I can’t figure it out, and I’m not sure whether users will buy it or not.
What will happen to Binance’s tokens?
BNB, pitiful thing, BNB has been suppressed all the time, and it is too difficult to get up. I am afraid it will be difficult to raise its head for quite some time, just like HT back then, like a stablecoin.
As for those Binance-related tokens, they may have fallen out of entry opportunities recently. I don’t think they are finished just because Binance is not doing well. We should think about it this way. They may have been chosen by Binance because they are really good. As for projects purely incubated by Binance, their future will indeed be affected.
What is good for?
Some competing CEXs, competitors are suppressed, which is naturally a huge benefit
The first to be hit is Ouyi. At present, there is no big bomb hanging over Ouyi. It has developed slowly to the point where the platform currency has broken through the historical high. It is really invincible.
There are some games that Binance dare not touch casually. As long as OOY continues to support hot spots in various ways, traffic will inevitably tilt towards it. I continue to be optimistic about the OOY platform.
Shenyu said Binance’s sacrifice is equivalent to clearing the way for ETF
It's a bit exaggerated, but it's not without reason. For the US regulators, this is undoubtedly a huge victory. With such a large fine, Binance is convinced. This further shows that the future of digital currency regulation is bright. We can be more confident and just pass the ETF while it's hot? Because we can see that the bankruptcy-sufficient sector has risen, such as FTT and VGX. Haha, how ironic.

In any case, judging from the overall situation of the market, it has not been greatly affected. It can be seen that Binance's influence is indeed limited, or everyone has been mentally prepared. At the macro level, Binance's big bomb has basically landed, and the follow-up is mostly as expected. It is a good thing that the future is not bad.

That’s about all I want to say. Now that you’re sober, it’s time to wake up from your naivety. Just as we expected, the American devils have ignited a bull market. No matter how dissatisfied you are, you have to face the reality.

#cz #OpenAI #WLD