It is currently in a callback market in 4 hours. The current short-term callback target is first around 2.1343/2.0655. As long as the callback does not break the daily long-short price near 2.0655, the daily line is long. There are currently two ideas for long orders: 1. Wait for the callback position to not break and get on the long order.

2. Wait for the market to completely break through 2.2492 and the pressure will stand on the upper line to be bullish. Now it is time to wait for the correction to be in place or to completely break through the market to place long orders (the above is a short-term idea)

The long-term spot idea remains unchanged, don’t change positions easily, the spot will eventually be better! #JTO.24小时交易策略 #JTO.智能策略库 #JTO.每日智能策略 #JTOUSDT #JTO币