It is a basic national policy of countries around the world to leave most citizens without savings.

In a city, no matter how high the nominal salary is, it is all false.

Regardless of whether it is London, New York, Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong, the price level of any big city will automatically adjust to a level where your wallet will be empty every month after the workers at the bottom have paid for rent, food, drink, transportation and other basic survival costs. . Whether your monthly salary is 8,000 US dollars in Shanghai or 3,000 US dollars in New York, the outcome is the same.

We must understand the nature of social resource allocation.

Both the middle and lower classes of society earn their income by selling their labor force.

The bottom class is responsible for hard work, and the middle class is responsible for brainpower.

If you want to become a middle-class person, it seems very simple on the surface. You just need to study (and work) hard.

But in fact, the harsh living environment of the bottom class has led to short-sightedness and lack of will on the part of the bottom class, causing some of the bottom class to remain at the bottom when they grow up.

Bad gamblers in ancient times are essentially the same as modern people who are too addicted to games.

Thinking concepts are relatively easy to change, so the bottom class and the middle class are mobile.

However, there is an insurmountable gap between the upper class and those below, which is a network of resource relationships.

Therefore, the upper class is usually a large family with connections in all major areas of the country.

The middle class also has a small amount of connections, but most of them are only to the extent that they can protect themselves, and they can't be said to influence the direction of a field or a country.

Back to the topic.

Even if you graduate from a top university and become a high-level white-collar worker, you will only be in the middle class of society, which is what I said, the position you can probably achieve with hard work.

But this is also the case for ordinary people.

Going up further requires connections, luck, and constant trial and error.

It takes more than just brains, but also luck and a little talent.

Poor people should not expect to get rich overnight. They should recognize the reality of the family, integrate family resources, aim for family progress, and strive for each generation to make progress or at least not regress. On this basis, through iteration, each generation can approach the pyramid of a certain industry. peak.

Rich families stick to one field, work in one industry for several generations, and then go from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 10 to 100. Rich families continue to pass on experience, prevent failures, acquire more advanced experience and then pass it on, as long as they can choose the right one. The wealth will be passed down to the heirs.

From a poor family, the first generation fried fried dough cakes. The second generation went to school and wanted to be an engineer, so the skill of frying fried dough cakes was lost. The second generation became engineers and was too busy to take care of their children. The children were not close to their father and hated the profession of engineers. They painted every day. Calling for family affection, I became an illustrator. However, illustrators are tired because they don’t make money, and they don’t have time to take care of their children. So the children don’t like to draw, so they may become a tailor. . .

Over and over again, each generation of poor families has the freedom to choose and follow their own inner choices. Each generation goes from 0 to 1. They have entry-level experience in many industries, but it can never be passed down. They force their children to learn and grow up when they are young, but let their children grow up. free. As a result, the children had no inheritance experience and the family did not grow.

The rich, on the other hand, give you freedom when you go to school and support you in whatever you do. When you grow up, it’s time to work. Come back and help the family to prepare for inheriting the family business. If you don’t like to learn slowly, you can’t deprive your children of the right to like it in the future even if you don’t like it. , you are just a member of the family responsible for passing on the inheritance. Whether it can be carried forward depends on the current situation rather than personal efforts.

This is the most realistic approach. The essential gap between the poor and the rich is the experience of success. Rich people have successful experience, poor people have no experience.

According to my observation, all the self-made bosses around me with a net worth of over 100 million are all the same. They say things that make you feel comfortable and do things that make you shudder.

I believe that no one who is born as a human being and comes to this world wants to be an ordinary person who is always inferior to others. Everyone wants to be the person at the top of the pyramid, make a lot of money, and do great things.

When I have nothing to do, I especially like to watch Animal World, followed by war documentaries.

Because these are actual combats with real swords and guns, there is no performance element.

The strong rely on force and intelligence to plunder the weak without restraint.

The rule is: the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

There is no emotional or moral component here.

Although the real world seems to be full of human touch, in my opinion, these are just appearances.

Because the rich have never stopped plundering the poor.

This is why "the strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak", which has remained unchanged since ancient times.

Humans living in the world are essentially the same as animals living in the jungle: the strong eat the weak, and the big eat the small. It’s just that human beings are good at packaging themselves and putting on a coat of civilization to make human society look less naked.

We must remember one sentence: the law of the jungle, where the jungle prevails, exists everywhere on this earth. There are only two kinds of people in society: one is wolves and the other is sheep. You are either a wolf, capable of eating people, or a sheep, waiting to be eaten.

The wolf's survival logic is to eat the sheep gracefully; and the sheep's only survival logic is to become a wolf! There is a saying: Evil cannot defeat good. The meaning of this sentence is not that evil can never defeat justice, but that once evil defeats justice, it itself becomes righteous.

In human society, 99% of people are sheep. Their fate is to be eaten, or eaten (harvested) in disguise. Such people can also be called "leeks".

Why is the fate of 99% of people to be harvested?

Because 99% of the people in the world are "lost lambs". They all live in illusions and can never see the real world. Because the truth is often complicated and cruel, a person who does not have enough courage and wisdom would rather escape from the truth. , and dare not face it. So these people would rather indulge in fantasy, indulge in temporary happiness, and never tire of it.

This is the mob, also called the giant baby.

Only 1% of people in the world can see the truth, because they have enough courage to face the reality of the world, enough courage to face the evil of human nature, and enough mind to accept the injustice of the world. The truth will always be in the hands of these very few. In human hands, these talents are the rulers of the world!

Therefore, the 1% of people can control the 99% of people at will.