5 curious facts you didn't know about money

1. It is not made of paper

(Sorry the series called la casa de papel but that's not real dut.)

The bills are made of 75% cotton and 25% linen, according to the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

2. The past

Before money, other things such as salt, soap, cocoa or feathers were used to exchange goods and services.

3. Disturbing data on the US dollar

90% of banknotes in circulation contain traces of coca

Yes, the kind that you breathe through, you know where wink wink hahahaha

4. The most valuable currency

The most valuable coin in the world was minted in Australia. It was made of a ton of solid gold and was worth $1 million.

5. It's more virtual than real

Only 8% of the world's money exists in physical form
