VIDT Datalink is a data authentication platform based on blockchain technology that provides digital data protection solutions for organizations and businesses to combat all forms of data fraud and fraud. their. VIDT Datalink is an API provider that can seamlessly integrate blockchain authentication services into any other system or platform. In addition, VIDT Datalink also provides services to run validator nodes, NFT data tokenization technology and many other services. Currently, large organizations such as IBM, Nyenrod and AmSpec are integrating the use of VIDT Datalink technology to secure and authenticate digital documents such as invoices, diplomas, certificates and sensor data.

VIDT is a utility token that officially operates in the VIDT Datalink ecosystem, operates on the Ethereum platform according to ERC20 standards and plays an important role in the authentication of the VIDT blockchain. Every time an organization wants to validate a data file, a VIDT transaction will be performed to record all the necessary information on the blockchain (confirmation location, identity, timestamp), from there, provide that file's authentication information.

VIDT price will continue to increase in the near future.