Maharaja Crypto Token Analysis Post #Arb (Part 2)

I previously analyzed the factors for the success of ETH (big players in arb take a look)

Now let’s analyze what elements Arb should have if it wants to be successful.

1) Ecological innovation, I don’t mean copying eth or the dapps on the first layer, such as swap, lending, NFT, bridge and other dapps. These are just infrastructure equipment, and the on-chain funds are the minimum.

The innovation I am talking about refers to star projects, similar to the AI ​​​​track. Only by holding arb strongly, and arb's growth rate can outperform the bear market, will true belief be generated.

2) Decentralization

Old OGs in the currency circle do not like the existence of foundations. Foundations sometimes mean rights. The currency circle emphasizes decentralization of rights. The eth foundation is for the development of technology, at least on the surface it is like this #ETH