Today’s Funds 1078U 2024.2.10

The order ID I opened in the morning continued to rise and broke the stop loss level. I failed to stop the loss and continued to cover the position. The cost price was raised. The general trend must be cut in half. The small trend must be followed by the big trend. Just look at the UMA API3 that skyrocketed before. You will know that there are too many people in the square. I shout too much and think about breaking $1. So how can the banker arbitrage and who will take over? The banker can’t take over the order by himself. Let’s buy leeks at a low price and sell at a high price. It does not comply with the 28-20 principle. Waterfalls will happen sooner or later. A small rebound cannot make any waves, so we just Added position in the picture aboveThe not-so-smart bulls have been trappedJust wait for the K line to update and reach the take profit position. I only take a spoonful of water to drink. The subsequent market price reaches 0.6318 below the take-profit position, but my knowledge only sees 0.6365, which is twice the profit, but I only do things within my knowledge and do not take any chances. The K-line is not updated. It’s impossible to accurately predict a possible rebound. The time cost is uncertain. There are too many factors. I just want to survive in this market, step by step. As long as the road is right, I’m not afraid of a long road. Plus compound interest will always reach the end.By the way, I raised 70U in the morning to buy the King skin for the lottery. I was tempted by the King. I don’t have a job and it’s time to save some money. Come on, 2024. The first day of the new year. A new starting point. Come on, come on.#ID #API3 #UMA