Despite the decline in XRP price for the month, there seems to be a trend of whales opening bullish leveraged positions. This raises questions about the impact of negative news about Ripple and its founder on the market. there are several factors that could explain why whales are opening bullish leveraged positions despite the decline in XRP price for the month. These factors include:

  • Adverse news impact: Negative news about Ripple and its founder may have influenced the XRP market. However, it's important to note that not all negative news has the same impact, and other factors such as market sentiment and investor behavior also play a role.

  • Market speculation: Whales, who are large investors with significant resources, may be speculating on the future price movement of XRP. They might believe that the current decline in price presents an opportunity for potential gains in the future.

  • Long-term investment strategy: Whales may have a long-term investment strategy and believe in the potential of XRP despite the short-term price decline. They might be opening bullish leveraged positions to take advantage of potential future price increases.

It's worth noting that these are potential reasons based on market dynamics, and individual whale investors may have their own specific reasons for opening bullish leveraged positions.#TrendingTopic #XRPCase #HODLorSell