Coming soon to SANUSAPP - Our currency exchange service in partnership with NAOCOIN!
We are pleased to announce that we are launching our currency exchange service in partnership with NAOCOIN! 🚀
It will soon be possible:
exchange crypto for crypto: for example, it will be possible to exchange BTC for ETC, ETC for USDT, etc.
buy cryptocurrencies using euros: those who wish to buy cryptocurrencies with euros can do so comfortably from the app.
sell cryptocurrencies and get euros transferred: you can sell your cryptocurrencies and get the income transferred in euros.
buy and sell SANUSCOIN: take the opportunity to buy or sell SANUSCOIN.
remember - now available: deposit cryptocurrencies in the app and send them to other app users for free.
This exciting new section of SANUSLIFE is becoming more popular every day. Demand increases and we receive more and more attention. The real value of SANUSCOIN and SANUSPAY is increasingly recognized. This is also reflected in the euro counterpart value of the currency, which is extremely solid and barely falls below 10 euros.
Stay tuned: we will keep you informed! 💫