I have received a lot of questions from global pioneers about whether they can go to China or other countries to barter valuable products. So, today, I would like to analyze this situation.

✅During the enclosed mainnet, both merchants and pioneers cannot exchange Pi to FIAT. This means that big commodities merchants (including but not limited to cars, houses, condos, etc.) cannot sell their collected Pi to get FIAT to restock during enclosed mainnet. However, merchants must pay for materials, labor costs, and significant amounts of rent, etc in FIAT.

✅Bartering big commodities during enclosed mainnet is possible, but it's not something that most merchants can afford. While there have been some cases where this has happened, it's not something that can be widely expected.

✅Since these products are all pioneers' dreams, and many of them may want to buy multiple cars, houses, and condos, it may cause merchants to go bankrupt if there is no control or limit. Even if the merchants are wealthy and want to provide significant commodities, they still cannot afford max. 100-1000 pioneers to buy these products. Then, how about the majority of pioneers? They still cannot get these significant commodities using Pi as payment.

✅Merchants who use a fixed price of $1, $10 or $100 for each Pi instead of the current GCV of $314,159 may still face cash flow issues despite collecting a large amount of Pi. This could lead to bankruptcy and potentially cause problems for the industry in their country, creating opportunities for malicious speculation. Ultimately, this could negatively impact the local economy and make it challenging to establish a unified price.

✅To achieve our long-term goal of uniting the price of Pi to a safe level, we need to ensure the safety, financial stability, and sustainability of medium and big commodity merchants in our community. Therefore, I recommend that merchants to be careful when barter these big commodities or you can wait pioneers establish a united price.

✅As for medium-value products, I suggest accepting partial payment in FIAT currency and partial payment in Pi cryptocurrency. It is a good option to pay the cost of the products with FIAT currency and the profit with Pi payment. However, before taking any action, please check your country's local laws to ensure that accepting partial FIAT currency payment is allowed.

✅This will encourage more merchants to join our ecosystem and accept Pi payment, which is crucial for the success of our mission. It's important to note that our goal is not just about providing individuals with houses or cars, as most pioneers cannot get them. Our goal is to enable all pioneers to afford big commodities.

✅When the price of GCV reaches $314,159 and stabilizes, only then can the OM condition be met. This will expedite the KYC and migration processes, allowing OM to launch successfully shortly.

Once OM is launched, pioneers can enjoy more enormous commodities such as cars, houses, and condos. However, the uncertainty of chaotic prices is a barrier for big companies to join in. Low consensus prices of Pi discourage outside companies from investing in Pi Network long term unless they plan to hoard Pi.

✅If companies are genuinely interested in investing in Pi Network, they must recognize the value of Pi. This recognition will lead them to accept Pi as a payment option. Companies will not want to hold an unstable and low-priced currency. Only those with a short-sighted business want a low price for hoarding purpose. Serious businesses want to invest in a long term successful project which can only be created by our community.

✅Some pioneers have been asking about cross-border bartering. During the enclosed mainnet phase, high-value product merchants may not be able to afford it since they even cannot supply locally. And there is no need to engage in cross-border bartering for small items because of the high shipping costs. I encourage pioneers and merchants to focus on local bartering.

✅Our goal in the enclosed mainnet is to create GCV data, not to profit by ourselves. We focus on a united price so that OM can happen sooner and when OM happens, you can buy anything either with Pi or with FIAT because you can exchange Pi to FIAT if needed.

👉Some pioneers may not have a background in business or economics and might believe that merchants can accept 100% Pi payments without any limits, but this is not true. All businesses must pay for materials, labor, rent, and other expenses in fiat during the mainnet. When they receive Pi payments, they still don't have any FIAT currency to cover these costs.

👉It's unfortunate to hear that some merchants are seeking a lower price of Pi in bartering to collect more Pi and sell it in the black market for FIAT to restock. This is not a sustainable or ethical way to conduct business and can ultimately harm the Pi ecosystem. It's important for us to unite and establish a fair price based on the GCV to push OM soon to resolve merchants' cash flow problems. It's crucial for merchants to understand that their behavior may have delayed OM, and that working together towards a common goal is the best way to ensure the success of Pi.

👉I want to address the misconception many pioneers have that using a lower value for one Pi, such as $1 instead of $314,159 can prevent cash flow problems. This is totally wrong! As a lack of cash flow is not a matter of the price of Pi but a matter OM not happen. And OM need united safe price. Therefore we should unite to GCV ASAP to resolve all merchants cash flow issues.

👉Pi is NOT a traditional cryptocurrency. The white paper explains that Pi is intended to be a currency, unlike traditional cryptocurrencies that are simply investment assets. Pi will serve a different purpose.

👉It's important to note that you don't need to invest in a currency. Currency is meant to be circulated, not speculated. This is why the Pi price must be high enough to resist speculation when it reaches the OM stage. Also, it should not increase too much every year, otherwise, people might hoard it instead of using it, which would prevent it from circulating.

Doris Yin 🪷🪷🪷

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