PANews reported on February 6 that according to The Block, South Korean prosecutors announced on Monday that they had arrested and detained three executives of the crypto income platform Haru Invest, including its two co-CEOs. An official from the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office said that Seoul prosecutors accused the three of stealing about 1.1 trillion won (US$826 million) worth of cryptocurrencies from about 16,000 users. Haru also allegedly invested most of the customer deposits through an individual, while falsely advertising that the deposits were managed through "risk-free distributed investment technology." Haru Invest offers users of its Earn Plus product a yield of up to 12%.

Local authorities have been investigating Haru and crypto lender Delio after both firms suddenly suspended withdrawals on June 14, 2023. Delio attributed the suspension to a sudden halt in deposits and withdrawals earlier that day at Haru Invest, with which Delio had previously worked.