It is currently believed that this round of market trend is not over yet. The range has been consolidated during the weekend and has not fallen below 42700. The US dollar index will open at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you are aggressive, you can enter a long position with a small position below 42000. If you are prudent, you can place a dream order of 40800 and stop loss below 40000.

According to the data on the Ethereum chain, the main force has experienced a round of spot profit taking and long position closing. It is not recommended that everyone touches Ether recently.

The overall trend is still a correction. The key lies in when it will be in place. No one can predict this. We can only see how many lucky people will react after the trend is out of the trend.

But one thing is certain, the copycats must be sorted out before the big market. The captain will also take you to lay out the spot and your favorite low-leverage long-term copycat contracts in the middle of the month.

At present, everyone’s task is to spend more time with their families and celebrate the New Year well. After the New Year, the captain will lead you to continue to make decisions and welcome the big cow.