Why are so many people optimistic about SATS, and some people are still shouting the slogan of 10,000 times the currency?

This thing is worth ten thousand times. I don’t know what happened to what I bought from some V last month. I achieved my small goal of cutting it in half in just one month. Stay away from some gr things if you can. Without innovation, they are all routine.

No matter how powerful the hype is, as long as it is gr currency, don't pay attention and don't touch it. Just like Big A, it is impossible to pull up suddenly, and it is impossible to plummet. It will only keep releasing good news and slowly swindle people and then cash out. It can be said that ZG’s project team is playing the currency circle in a big A way. Everyone in the currency circle criticizes the Korean currency, but the Korean currency has skyrocketed and plummeted. At least there is a chance to make money. Even if it returns to zero, it can be brought back to the top 50 in market value. , has anyone seen the gr coin rise again after falling? #SATS1000