If you want to be a contract trader, you should be aware of the risks of contracts. When you have not started trading on the market, you cannot understand the pain caused by this risk.

You can use a bridge as an analogy. If you use 1x leverage and a position of 10%, it is equivalent to you passing on a small bridge that is six meters wide and only three meters high. You can pass easily on it. Even if you fall, the most you can do is Minor injuries. If you use 20x leverage and a position of 30%, then you are equivalent to passing on a bridge built on a piece of wood with a depth of five or six meters. You must concentrate and not be careless, otherwise you will fall and at least be paralyzed. If you use 100x leverage and your position exceeds 50%, you are walking a tightrope on a high-rise building. As long as you make a little mistake, you will be in jeopardy.

Any increase in leverage and positions will lead to a narrowing of the "bridge deck" width. I hope that all investors who want to get involved in contract trading will understand the risks. Everyone makes mistakes, but only by maintaining a good mentality when trading and integrating knowledge and action can you have a chance. Achieve predetermined goals.