The reasons behind why you don’t make money by speculating on currencies:

1--Unbalanced mentality after the plunge: Faced with the plunge in the market, many investors choose to buy the bottom, but ignore the risk that the market may continue to fall.

2--Blind optimism in a bull market: In a crazy bull market, investors are often too optimistic and unwilling to sell the coins in their hands, expecting higher prices.

3--Stubbornness in a bear market: During a bear market, many investors still insist on investing and ignore the market's correction.

4--The risk of entering the market after chasing high prices: If you enter the market at the high point of the bull market, you will face huge losses once the market pulls back.

5--Following the trend and hyping hot spots: Blindly following market hot spots without in-depth study of the value and potential behind them.

6--Prefer altcoins: Only focus on the so-called "potential coins" and ignore the value of mainstream coins.

7--Lack of long-term investment concepts: For mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, there is no confidence and frequent buying and selling.

8--The temptation of high-risk contracts: If you like to play high-multiple contracts, you will suffer heavy losses once the market reverses.

9--Being gullible in big V’s opinions: Relying too much on other people’s opinions and neglecting your own judgment.

10--Leave the market when losing money: Faced with losses, many investors choose to stop losses immediately, lacking the determination to invest in the long term.

11-Trading regardless of cost: Blind impulse, trading regardless of cost, and ignoring the risk control of investment.

12--Lack of project research: Without in-depth research on the value and development potential of the project, only looking at the surface.

13--Improper timing to clear positions: Clear positions before the bull market and miss the gains in the market outlook.

14--Excessive efforts in a bear market: Trying to make profits in a bear market through frequent operations, ignoring the laws of the market.

15--Simplified investment: Buying only one currency misses diversified investment opportunities and risk diversification.

16--Short-term thinking limitations: Only make short-term investments and ignore long-term values ​​and trends.

17--The dilemma of insufficient principal: If the principal is too small, you can only adopt high-risk gambling investment.