Surprisingly, although the post-90s generation is considered to have no sex life, they are full of energy and do not want to waste every night. An insider of a digital currency trading platform said that the age of digital currency investors is mostly concentrated between 25 and 35 years old. Some people even pointed out that the people who hold the most Bitcoins at present are those born in the 1990s. They have a keen sense of smell for new things. They like adventure, are full of courage, and are eager for change.

The following article is a true account of 6 post-90s crypto traders. They share their own thoughts. That was the peak of their lives, but also the trough of their lives. See if there is a shadow of you in their stories?

Xiao Liu

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Occupation: Content Operations

"Even if I work for four or five years without eating or drinking, I still can't earn as much as I do in one night."

I will never forget that night in November 2016. It was the first and probably the only time in my life that I made hundreds of thousands of dollars in one night! My monthly salary at the time was only about 10,000 yuan. In other words, even if I worked for four or five years without eating or drinking, I might not have earned as much as I did in one night. I was completely stunned at the time and lay in bed for a long time.

Guess how long it took me to recover? Two months! From the second day on the way to work, I felt like I was floating. I found that my mentality was completely broken. From that day on, no matter what I did, I couldn't calm down. I was very impetuous and felt that my three views were impacted.

I always wondered, is it so easy to make money? Then why would I work? I was surrounded by that impetuous atmosphere and couldn't concentrate at all. Thinking about it now, I'm still a little scared. If I continue like this, I guess I'll be ruined. Later, I told myself every day that I should be down-to-earth. It's too unreliable to make a living by speculating in cryptocurrencies. You can make a lot of money and lose a lot of money. I definitely can't stop working and do this. It should also be related to the education I received since childhood. Later, I finally recovered slowly and stopped paying attention to the price of the currency. I just gave the money to my friends and asked them to help me invest.

I still remember that night when I looked at the price of the currency, my eyes were fixed on the curve that was going up all the time. I felt my heart also started to go up. After a while, it was in my throat, beating non-stop, and my hands were shaking unconsciously. Later, I was particularly afraid that it would fall again, so I quickly took out my capital. In this way, the remaining money is in it, and I will make money regardless of whether it goes up or down.

I didn’t actually buy Bitcoin. I bought it in 2016, but sold it not long after because I needed money urgently at the time and didn’t make much money. But I bought a lot of ETH, and then used it to buy a lot of other coins. BTC and ETH are considered mainstream coins, and there are also altcoins and virtual coins. In fact, many people are buying the latter two. Human nature is greedy. No matter whether it is virtual or not, I will buy it if it can rise.

I bought "non-mainstream coins" because my friend introduced them to me. I believed him and bought them, so I was exposed to them quite early and met many people who traded in coins. There are so many tricks in this. There are many people who became rich overnight, some with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. But they are all very low-key and they are the kind of people who are already quite rich. If you think about it, if you don't have money, how can you take out so much money to trade in coins? They can afford to lose money.

Long Ge

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Occupation: Corporate executive

"I feel inexplicably excited."

When the price of the currency rose to 17,000 US dollars, I finally couldn't hold back and bought 15. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and after buying it, I started looking at travel guides, planning to use the large sum of money I earned to take my parents abroad for the Chinese New Year. But fate is so cruel, by the time the Chinese New Year came, I had lost nearly 150,000. I wanted to check the price of the currency every day, but I didn't dare to do so, and I didn't dare to tell my family. I could only take my buddies to drink every day, day after day, until I could go home and sleep directly.

Actually, I had been tracking it for nearly a year before that. I started to pay attention to Bitcoin in early 2017, when the price was about $1,000. I thought it was very expensive. How could something you couldn't see or touch sell for nearly 10,000 RMB? I thought I had some knowledge and culture, so I did some research and then I became more suspicious.

But at the end of September, there was a sharp rise, which continued for three months, reaching a peak of 20,000 US dollars. When it first started to rise, I was shocked and had no idea what was going on. My colleague next to me heard me swear loudly and turned to look at me, saying that my eyes were wide open and my face was distorted, and he thought something had happened.

I actually wanted to enter the market at that time. I was inexplicably excited and nervous, and my heartbeat quickened. But I still tried to tell myself to stay calm and observe for a few more days. Later, my friends around me gradually began to enter the market, and I was also itching to enter the market. But I felt that the market had been rising for too long, and any good news should have been exhausted. I secretly mocked them. As a result, the market rose for another half a month.

At that time, I was in a conflict every day. The higher it went, the more I wanted to enter the market. At the same time, I felt that it would fall and I was afraid to take over. A friend of mine made money and withdrew. I was really jealous and regretted why I didn't follow him to buy last month. After a week of decline, I lost about 50,000 yuan and slapped myself twice. At that time, I looked at the price when I had free time during the day, and I couldn't sleep well at night. I smoked several cigarettes a day, but it still kept falling.

At that time, the company had a lot of things to do. The annual target had not been met, and the investment had lost money. I was in a mess and began to lose my temper with my colleagues. I couldn't help but curse at people for the smallest things. Later, they said that they thought I was particularly unreasonable and had a layer of depression around me. They would avoid me when they walked.

I was a little desperate, so I plunged into work, thinking that I could earn it back if I tried hard. At that time, I felt like a leek, which was cut down to only a little root, buried in the soil, and still struggling to pop up a little. I decided to fight it. I was still young, and I could afford to lose this money and wait. One day it would rise back to the price I bought it at, even if it took more than ten years or decades, I would wait, and then withdraw all and never touch it again.


Sex: Male

Age: 28

Occupation: Former technology journalist

"Every day feels like a year, and I am on the verge of collapse."

I held Bitcoin for less than a month, but every day felt like a year, and I was on the verge of collapse. I was also scolded by my boss and my salary was deducted because I was absent-minded at work and made various mistakes. On the day of salary payment, I was walking on the way home. The cold wind blew on the winter night, and I was extremely sad. When I saw the old lady begging on the roadside, I even wondered if I would end up like this?

It was the end of 2014. I used all my money to buy cryptocurrencies, but I didn’t expect to catch up with the bear market. I started to panic after buying, and I had no energy to work. I stared at the candlestick chart every day, but I could only worry. I didn’t dare to sleep at night. I held my phone in my bed, at a loss, for fear that everything would fall overnight.

Now I think I was too young and timid. If I had held on, I could have made dozens of times more. And I was a technology reporter at a well-known media at the time, so I knew a lot about it. Why couldn't I believe in myself?

But I don't regret it. That sad night, I figured it out. I should work hard and earn money to have the capital to take such a big risk.


Gender: Female

Age: 27

Occupation: Content Editor

“When the market fell the most, I used my medical insurance card to pay my rent.”

When the market fell so badly, I, a journalist, actually told my reporters not to write about related topics during this period. If they really needed to write about it, they could find other editors. Isn’t that ironic? At that time, my salary for half a year was in it. It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t anxious, but I still had some faith in my heart. I felt that this thing had a cycle just like stocks, so I decided to be an ostrich and not listen, watch, or think about anything related to it.

During those days, I had to pay my rent for three months, nearly 10,000 yuan. I didn't have that much money on hand, and I didn't want to sell it at a loss. I was so anxious that I was sweating in the middle of winter. Finally, I couldn't remember that I still had money in my medical insurance card, so I had to go to the bank to withdraw it to pay the rent. As a result, I waited in line for a whole morning, was late for work, and was scolded by my boss.

I was actually feeling very upset and aggrieved, but I didn’t know how to relieve it, so I complained to my colleagues about my poverty every day and asked them to treat me to a meal, but they refused, probably because they thought I was joking. Then one day I took a reporter out to dinner, and I paid for it.

I actually have some faith in it. When I first came into contact with digital currency last year, I felt that it had intrinsic value and was not just a speculative product. Now I am still losing money. I don’t know how much I have lost, and I don’t remember how much I paid for it each time, but I think as long as I don’t sell it, it will always go back up.

Xiao Wu

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Financial Industry

"My girlfriend said I was losing a lot of money, and I felt really embarrassed."

Since the end of last year, I have wanted to become a dog. I bought Bitcoin mining machine futures at a high point, and my girlfriend told everyone that I lost a lot of money. Maybe I am a bit chauvinistic, and I feel very embarrassed. Who am I trying to make money for?

To be honest, I was in a bad mood during those months. I felt so unlucky. My girlfriend also kept blaming me for not discussing it with her. I was so angry that I had no place to vent, so we often quarreled. Once we quarreled until the early morning, and I slammed the door and left. She was so angry that she posted a circle of friends hinting that she wanted to break up, which scared her best friends.

At that time, I was sitting in the community garden, looking at those houses with an average price of more than 100,000 yuan, and I really wanted to cry. For those of us with ordinary family conditions, if we want to get rich, we can only keep looking for new outlets, participate in it early, and try it. Does she understand? But in fact, I am very lucky. I only lost less than 10,000 yuan. Is this a big loss? Cryptocurrency trading tests your mentality. There are not many technical indicators. You can only look at personal experience and so-called beliefs. People with faith have become rich.


Gender: Female

Age: 23

Occupation: Product Analyst

"I feel so stupid, and that's what hurts me the most."

I lost money. But I didn't feel emotional. Because I had expected it before I bought it, and I knew that it would rise and fall a lot. I would check the news about the price of the currency, and I would not check it if there was any. I just started working, and I have a lot to learn and do, so I don't have time to watch it all day, so I told myself to forget about it after I bought it.

You asked me why I wanted to buy it? I didn't really think about how much money I could make. I just thought this thing was very novel. I didn't know what it was, but so many people were fighting for it. Some got rich, while others lost everything. It seemed very exciting. I wanted to buy it a long time ago, but I was too lazy to do it. It wasn't until February this year that I finally had the energy to do it. I asked a friend how to do it, and then I bought it right away.

But I feel so wronged. I just wanted to test the waters, and I didn't research the price before buying. As a result, I bought at the highest price, and the price fell right after I bought it. I feel so stupid and unlucky, and this makes me saddest.

So I decided to avoid this kind of thing in the future. I just want to play with it. I am not destined to get rich by speculation. As for the rest, I don’t have any idea. I am old and I do things in a Buddhist way. I am in Japan now. I can only go to 4 places in 10 days. I can’t run around anymore.

In the investment career, everyone will be confused. Since you are lucky enough to understand the charm of investment, don't give up easily. Even if you just try with the minimum cost, the one who perseveres to the end will often gain the rewards. Rich people think: use other people's abilities to make money for themselves; poor people think: only think about making money with their own abilities. Now there is an opportunity in front of you. You can choose to continue to wait and see, but your life will not change at all. We often cannot change other people's views, and we can only change ourselves. A bad life is not due to the sins of others, but because we have been content with the status quo. The golden key to make life better is not in the hands of others. Give up our worries and cowardice, and a better life will be expected in the future.

A friend asked me, "The difficulty of investing is not how to deal with the profits, but how to deal with the losses, especially when you are trapped." When you lose money or are trapped, will your mentality change? Will your trading actions change?

This is also a huge dilemma faced by many investors. Many people know how to deal with and stop profits when they make money, but it is precisely the stop loss that is difficult. Stop loss is the most important thing for every investor to learn, and it is also the most difficult. According to each person's financial situation, risk tolerance, and the current market situation, this requires a very specific analysis of every detail. Instead of saying that I am trapped, I don't care, I will hold on if I have money, instead of analyzing whether the market is really wrong, whether the market can really be held back, I don't care about these, I just calculate whether my money can hold on. I am not counting money or seeing how much money I have lost, whether I can hold on, but considering whether I have misjudged the market. If I am wrong, I will sell at the lowest point in my heart, no matter how much I lose.

I have lost so much, how can I maintain a good attitude?

Maybe this market may be exhausting for some people. From being full of hope to get involved in currency investment, to being afraid to enter the market due to heavy losses, they even lose the confidence to encourage themselves. They often wonder if I am really not suitable for this market. No matter in terms of strength or mentality, they cannot do well. They once sought a teacher who could help them, but ended up with losses. They are not happy to stay in the currency market, and they are unwilling to leave the currency market. This may be the current situation faced by many investors.

What kind of mentality should you maintain when investing in the cryptocurrency circle?

1. Stick to the original intention of investment and financial management to avoid becoming a slave to money

First of all, we should establish a correct view of money and use the spare money for financial management without affecting the quality of life. Never have the mentality of "pursuing profits without capital", because it is very easy to be kidnapped by money and become its slave. In front of high returns, investors should keep a clear head and not invest blindly.

2. Dare to take responsibility for your own actions so that you can maintain a peaceful state of mind

Make a plan and consider your investment strategy before investing. When entering the market, don't hesitate at the slightest sign of trouble, especially when you are influenced by the "herd mentality" of others. Don't forget your investment plan. Only when you dare to take responsibility for your own actions can you maintain a peaceful state of mind.

3. Understand your own risk tolerance and choose the one that suits you best.

Investors should first consider their own actual situation, and after fully understanding their own situation, they should formulate a long-term financial plan and act within their means. Invest within their own ability to bear, and the one that suits them is the best.

Investors often ask, how to hold the order? This is a question that many investors worry about!

First of all, when we place orders, what kind of habits do we have in terms of position control? Is there a reasonable capital ratio for light positions, heavy positions, or both? First of all, I would like to give you some advice in this regard. For example, if you are doing long-term stable transactions, I suggest that you usually keep your position at 1/30, which is equivalent to 30,000 US dollars. You usually trade and gamble with a position of 5-10 lots. To be honest, many investors are not very familiar with the market in the early stage. They may not be familiar with the market trends of some currencies, which will increase the chances of you losing money. So in the early stage, I suggest that you keep your position light and familiar with the market fluctuations.

The second is the mentality. Everyone should have a long-term vision when trading. What kind of mentality should I have when making this investment? For example, when I enter and exit the market, can I make a profit and loss ratio? For example, my stop loss is 50 points. If I am optimistic about a point, the stop profit may be 150 points, 200 points, or 500 points. So let me tell you here that if your position is light, the loss will be small, and your mentality will not be greatly affected. In terms of mentality, first of all, we must have a reasonable expectation. For this investment, how much loss can I bear? It is not that I have 10,000 US dollars, I place 9 or 10 lots or a full position to do it. Maybe you are just in a wave of market, and your luck suddenly gets better, and you may make a profit of 20,000, 30,000, or even 50,000. But more often, it may end in a margin call.

The third is to identify the buying and selling points. When entering the market, choose the appropriate entry point, and then choose the appropriate exit point. For short-term, I usually look at 1 hour and 4 hours. For long-term, I mainly look at the daily line or the weekly line. When you make a layout, you need to see where the important support pressure of the market is. Where are the hourly support, daily support, weekly support and monthly support? Positions like this are very likely to have opportunities. Why does the market stop when it falls to this position at some point? There is a market change window, so this may be a very strong support, or it is suppressed when it rises to certain positions and cannot rise. Positions like this are definitely under great pressure, so when the second market rises to this position, there will be some small tests. At the pressure or support of this position, you can consider making orders. Can't we block some points well?
