Guo Hongcai was born in Pingyao, Shanxi Province, which is famous throughout the country for its ancient city and beef. Before investing in Bitcoin, Guo Hongcai was the head of the sales department of Pingyao Beef Group Co., Ltd.

It was in 2013 that Guo Hongcai came to Beijing to learn how to sell beef through e-commerce channels. At that time, Li Xiaolai, who was already well-known in the field of Bitcoin, gave a sharing session on Bitcoin at the famous "Garage Coffee" in Zhongguancun, Beijing. Jin Yangyang was one of the audience. At that time, Yangyang was pregnant with her third child. After listening to the lecture, this "Mrs. Bao" decisively bought Bitcoins worth 500 yuan each at the time for hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Don’t forget that Mr. Bao is now a well-known figure in the currency circle. As everyone knows, in 2013, Guo Hong was well known to the public in the industry as “Jin Yangyang’s Husband”. In a sense, Guo Hongcai’s wife Jin Yangyang is the leader in the currency circle of “Second Master Bao”.

"I was lucky enough to join the currency circle with Yangyang. In fact, it was Yangyang and the others who came in first. When they came to play with Zhao Dong and Li Xiao, I had not yet joined the currency circle," Guo Hongcai recalled.

After learning that his wife had spent a large amount of money to buy Bitcoin, Guo Hongcai panicked and felt that his wife had been deceived by a pyramid scheme. He asked her to sell it quickly, but his wife seemed to have been brainwashed and refused to sell. So Guo Hongcai and his wife made an appointment with Li Xiaolai. Unexpectedly, he was slowly "brainwashed" and gradually began to believe that Bitcoin was a good thing and could make money. He decided to leave the beef business and switch to full-time research on Bitcoin, starting to "all in".

Unlike most of the big guys in the currency circle, Guo Hongcai speculated in coins just because he didn’t want to go back to selling beef. He never talked about feelings or morals, and he was never secretive about the purpose of making money. He even gave himself the English name Chandler Guo. It means "I'll be happy when I get money"!

Guo Hongcai has always been famous in the currency circle for his venomous, vulgar and frank remarks, and has never concealed his "nouveau riche" image to show off his wealth, because Guo Hongcai believes that the culture in the currency circle is grassroots culture and diaosi culture, so he uses A very simple marketing model and the most vulgar way for everyone to remember - "Blow your awesomeness first, in case it comes true."

Therefore, Guo Hongcai's way of "preaching and gaining responsibilities" in the currency circle is to "build momentum". In many speeches at the "Bitcoin China Tour", he made many "fanatic remarks" about Bitcoin, such as: "Buy a Bitcoin Coin, keep it and give it to your child when he gets married!", "In the future, one Bitcoin will reach 1 million US dollars! In my lifetime, if it is less than 1 million US dollars, I will live broadcast and eat a big dick!" etc.

There were rumors in the world: There is Li Xiaolai in the north of China and Guo Hongcai in the south!

After the ICO was banned, Guo Hongcai said several times that he was "a person walking on the edge of the law, and he didn't know when he would get in." He even posted on a circle of friends that was both ridiculing and emboldening: "First arrest Li Xiaolai, then arrest Guo Hongcai."

In March 2018, Guo Hongcai purchased a 100-acre mansion in Silicon Valley. On April 23, he officially hung the sign with "Leek Manor" on the gate. In order to make his manor truly worthy of its name, he planted a handful of leeks in a corner of the manor. Regarding this move, I wonder what the harvested "leeks" think?

In addition to buying luxury homes, Guo Hongcai also bought two Rolls-Royces: one is worth 60 Bitcoins, a limited edition Rolls-Royce that is only available in the United States and can be picked up in three months; one is worth 25 Bitcoins Bitcoin, I bought a white Rolls-Royce Phantom for my wife.

“Because I want to make money and buy luxury houses and cars. This is my life dream. Playing with Bitcoin is the only chance. Playing with other things is not so possible because not many people play with Bitcoin. In this small world, There are big opportunities in the field.”

Although people in the industry have mixed reviews of Guo Hongcai, some praise him for his "free and easy frankness", while others think he is just a "nouveau riche who is good at harvesting leeks."

But it is undeniable that Guo Hongcai has obviously caught the development wave of the Bitcoin blockchain industry and successfully staged a diaosi counterattack in reality, allowing him to transform from a grassroots beef seller into the Bitcoin blockchain industry. A "leader" figure who cannot be underestimated.

Recently, Mr. Bao’s Twitter has started to sing more frequently! Can Mr. Bao reach a higher level this time?

If you sell beef, pork, dog meat, etc., then you are not far away from getting rich. After all, you and Mr. Bao "come from the same family."