Ontology Foundation recently announced its collaboration with Goshen Network, a distinguished Layer 2 (L2) project, to provide faster and more efficient solutions for developers and users in the entire Web3 world. The partnership aims to promote interactivity between the Ontology and Ethereum ecosystems and break down barriers between the two chains.

The future trend of Web3 is to provide cost-effective solutions through smooth interaction between multiple public chains. The collaboration between Ontology and Goshen aims to present an improved alternative to the expensive and slow transactions of Ethereum while maintaining high levels of security. Goshen’s optimistic rollup has a unique RISC-V fraud-proof system to support on-chain computing and collaborative interaction challenges, ensuring high overall security.

Goshen’s full compatibility with Ethereum and partnership with Ontology will provide a smoother user experience, and Goshen’s smart contracts will be fully open source for developers in April. Ontology’s own open-source code reinforces this partnership and shared vision.

With its five years plus technology precipitation and in-depth research on L2, Ontology recognized Goshen’s L2 framework design and its technical compatibility. Additionally, Ontology has a mature global community and users in DeFi, NFT, wallets, and other areas, which will help Goshen extend its testing to a larger scale.

In the future, ONT will be introduced into Goshen’s governance, running for a role in the decentralized packaging network and getting a share of the L2 network fees. To celebrate the collaboration, Ontology is going to launch various campaigns together with Goshen, covering developers, users, and community members with their own special NFT incentives.

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This article was republished from azcoinnews.com