Tutorial de Mobile Wallet

How to add Taiko Testnet to TokenPocket

  1. Open the TokenPocket APP, click on the top right corner and enter “Taiko Katla L2” in the list search bar.

2. Check the search results, click Taiko Katla L2, check the information in the pop-up window, and click 【Confirm】.

3. After adding, click on the newly added Taiko Katla L2 public chain. You can choose to create a wallet or import a wallet and then use the Taiko Katla L2 wallet.

Tutorial de Plugin Wallet:

  1. Open the TokenPocket plugin wallet and click on the blockchain option in the top left corner. 2. Select the “Custom RPC” function.

2. Click “Easy Add” on the network.

Search for Taiko Katla L2 and select “Add to TokenPocket” in the search results to add it to the plugin wallet.

3. After selecting to add a network, the parameters of the network to be added will appear. After confirming the details, click ‘Confirm’ to add the Taiko Katla L2 wallet.

#TokenPocket #Taiko #Testnet $ETH