A currency to break free from the traditional system

This is the promise of Bitcoin. Faced with “fiat” currencies such as the Euro or the Dollar, Bitcoin aims to be a currency that preserves its value in the face of inflation.

An increasingly digital currency

Money has been digitized throughout history. From barter to electronics before a real revolution, cryptocurrency with #Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and euro what difference

By its decentralized nature, Bitcoin is very different from the Euro. New Bitcoins are created by #mining new blocks of transactions, with a total supply set at 21 Million. Conversely, the monetary creation of the Euro is under the control of the European Central Bank. The quantity of Euro is therefore unlimited, the currency is subject to inflation. Bitcoin was designed to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries (including banks). An international transfer takes only 10 minutes on Bitcoin compared to 4 working days for a transfer in Euro. Bitcoin

A featherweight

All Bitcoins currently in circulation represent 440 billion Euros. A drop of water compared to the 11,300 billion Euros in circulation in 2023. For you, is Bitcoin really

a currency like fiat currencies?

remains much more than a #currency, it is an asset perceived as an investment.

#crypto2023 #Binance