[Javier Milei is passionate about decentralization, but does he care about Bitcoin? 】

Far-right liberal candidate Javier Milei won Argentina's presidential runoff with nearly 56% of the vote, becoming the new president. The BBC reported that Milei, who has been called "El Loco" (the madman) by his opponents, has proposed a number of far-right policies, including cutting welfare, abolishing the health, culture and women's sectors, abolishing abortion laws and relaxing gun laws. He also advocates legalizing the sale of human organs.

Milei's economic reform plan has distinct liberal features. He advocates a decentralized economy and plans to abolish the Argentine currency peso and "blow up" the central bank. These stances have given him a pro-Bitcoin reputation in some circles. Milei once claimed that "Bitcoin represents the return of money to its original creator: the private sector."

However, X users have pointed out that Milei not only fails to bring innovative Bitcoin-related policies to Argentina, but also doesn’t seem to care much about Bitcoin. Milei has also previously promoted Ethereum and some troubled digital asset platforms. Some Argentinian victims of the CoinX pyramid scheme have filed a lawsuit against Milei for promoting the scheme, Protos reported. Argentinian authorities have accused CoinX of failing to deliver on its promised return rates.

Milei’s proposed dollarization policy has also raised concerns, which could have serious implications for cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are hugely popular in Argentina, with about a third of the population using them daily as investment vehicles or as a store of value amid inflation and tight controls on U.S. dollars entering the country.

However, if Milei’s proposed dollarization plan is implemented and foreign currencies become more available, it would make the need for widespread cryptocurrency use in Argentina redundant.

Notably, unlike El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele, Milei has so far shown no interest in making Bitcoin a legal currency in Argentina.

Of course, he may be waiting to implement his Bitcoin revolution after taking office, but for now it seems more likely that he is just pursuing broad decentralization and is not particularly concerned about whether Bitcoin is the solution.

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