Report: Losses in the BNB Chain network from hacks have decreased by 85%

Financial losses in the BNB Chain blockchain from security violations decreased from $1.11 billion in 2022 to $161 million in the previous year - by 85%. This is evidenced by the AvengerDAO report.

At the same time, over the past 12 months, 414 incidents occurred, which is 44% more than in 2022.

The three biggest incidents were the Fintoch exit scam, the rug pull of the IPP staking pool, and the hack of the Stake betting platform. In total, they led to a loss of $64 million.

For comparison, in 2023, losses in the Ethereum network from fraud and cyber attacks amounted to $1.04 billion. Next comes the Tron blockchain ($405 million), Fantom ($171 million) and Arbitrum ($73 million).

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