♦️ In 2024, if you want to make a fortune in the mid-line band

Focus on these 6 coins and it is not difficult to grasp the bull market.

1. CHZ, the leading currency in the sports sector, the ongoing Asian Cup and the European Cup in June are all major time points for speculation. You must remember to clear out all the coins on the opening day of the European Cup in June, without hesitation. Because according to experience, after CHZ rose at a high level on the opening day of the 2022 World Cup, it fell for a whole year, and it did not stop falling until October last year (23 years).

2. SSV, focus on the vicinity of 26 knives. The callback is in place and you can take action.

3. Op (op) We entered around 1.3. In the long run, we must be careful not to exceed the popularity of the Cancun upgrade. The short-term support is currently around 3.1, so it is not a big problem to open a position in this band.

4. TIA is the leading coin of the modular blockchain ecosystem. We had a full position when it was 10 dollars. Now it is 16 dollars, an increase of 60%+. The position of 15.2 is a small support. When it reaches it, we can focus on making a first position.

5. TRB This currency is benchmarked against the link oracle, but it is not suitable for contracts. The spot focus is on ambush. Buy when no one cares and sell when there is a lot of buzz. The short-term support is around 118. It bottomed out at 118 twice and surged to around 162 before falling back.

6. ENS, the leading coin in the domain name ecosystem, is a bold buy when it falls back to around $17.

In summary, these 6 altcoins are all coins that are currently being added and played by institutions and retail investors. If they can return to the position I want in the future, they will be a good choice in 2024.

If you want stability, then lurk in the leading currency of the sector. For example, the sports sector is CHZ. The depth and large trading volume are also stable. However, if you buy the currency of a football club in the sports sector, not only the depth difference may fall back after rising in one day. , in the end you will have an unbalanced mentality. Before investing in any of these, it's important to do your own research and weigh your personal risk tolerance

♦️Novice Xiaobai wants to be stable and just spot the big cake Auntie SOL. By the middle of 25 years, the overall overall stability will be multiplied several times and more than ten times stable.

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