Shiba Inu (SHIB) has turned some early investors into millionaires and, in some cases, billionaires. While some believe they missed the opportunity to grow with SHIB, others hope there is still time to jump on the SHIB bandwagon.

If you purchased $1,000 worth of Shiba Inu (SHIB) today, you would receive approximately 108,813,928.183 tokens. According to Changelly, the maximum price of SHIB could reach $0.000149 by December 2030. If SHIB reaches this price level, the initial investment would be worth approximately $16,213.27. The increase in portfolio value would translate into a growth of approximately 1,521%. The return on investment (ROI) is very high. However, investors may have to wait for about six years.

On the other hand, Telegaon paints a more optimistic picture for Shiba Inu (SHIB). According to the platform, the maximum price of SHIB could reach $0.000712 in 2030. If SHIB reaches this price level, the initial $1,000 investment would be worth about $77,475.51. The rise in the portfolio value would translate into a growth of about 7,647%. In this case, the return on investment is much higher.

Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) break out to new all-time highs soon?

Notably, in both 2030 forecasts, SHIB surpassed its all-time high of $0.00008616 reached in October 2021. According to Telegaon, SHIB will regain its 2021 peak sometime in 2026 (approximately two years later).

On the other hand, Changelly expects SHIB to reach a new all-time high in 2029, with a predicted maximum price of $0.0001009899 this year.

However, there is also a chance that SHIB will regain its all-time highs sooner than expected. However, the market would need to enter a bull run for SHIB to peak soon.

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