Amid industry challenges, Buterin advocates for public legitimacy and transparent cryptocurrency governance.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin sparked considerable discussion by expressing thought-provoking views and emphasizing the importance of “public legitimacy” in the crypto industry.

Delving into two major crises involving Sam Bankman-Fried and the OpenAI board, he claims that the core issue in both incidents was not just the controversial actions taken, but the failure to engage in a transparent and accountable dialogue with the public.

Vitalik’s vision for transparent corporate governance

The focus of his argument is the fundamental flaw he points out in both cases: the lack of a sincere and open dialogue with the public. The recent FTX scandal is a poignant example that highlights the need for clear evidence before quickly condemning a senior CEO who engaged in deceptive behavior.

The focus on FTX’s lack of a board of directors highlights the critical requirement for strong oversight mechanisms to maintain checks and balances within the company’s structure.

Subsequent comments from the Ethereum founder shed light on the necessary balance in corporate governance, especially in the uncharted waters of crypto businesses. His criticism highlights the failure to adequately value public trust and legitimacy when navigating these uncharted waters.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s actions, which involved fraud and insensitivity to public sentiment, combined with OpenAI’s opaque decision-making process, are a poster child for governance failures in the tech and crypto industries. The pressing question now is whether Buterin’s insights are gaining traction.

Buterin believes that the solution lies in a governance model that adheres to legal mandates and actively engages with the community, recognizing the public's right to understand and influence decisions. #VitalikButerin  #企业透明度