Good morning everyone, I was eating out with my friends these days and a question came up: Can Beamx still enter the venue? The answer is that spot goods are available: the price is around 0.07-0.081. Then there is whether TVK can change the brand name and take off like Beamx. This actually depends on FOMO, but the project must be unveiled no matter how the brand is changed, at least there will be pin-up behavior. So I advise you to follow the trend but just make money and run away.

Today I would like to introduce Rune, one of my spot purchases.

After the Rune currency was replaced by Tornado Cash, many people are more familiar with the aggregator Defi. The price and project management are actually very impressive. You can see that the price from 1U to about 5U is slowly rising, which proves that both retail investors and bankers coexist. It's scary when it falls📉 and it rebounds at an unusual speed, so you can buy some of this currency and hoard it, and then sell it in the bull market.

The second one is KNC, which is also a Defi project. This currency fell into the stratosphere for a while after being attacked, but it is currently on the rise. This currency is also a currency that I like to open long for no other reason. It is not taking off at an ordinary speed. The price and projects are stable, and you can also stock up on spot.

The last one is Chess, which is also a newer Defi on the BNB chain. It has a relatively novel mortgage model. You can DYOR it. The current price can also be purchased within the acceptable range. One of the buying points is BNB blessing.

The above is just for your reference. Buying and selling currencies mainly depends on how much financial and psychological pressure you can bear. If you are not rich but still want to play, then buy some and collect them. You don’t need more. The main thing is to accumulate less and make more. Because my gameplay is also the accumulation mode.