#MantaNetwork is a privacy project based on ZK technology founded in 2020.

From the perspective of team and funding, Manta’s team has a good technical and academic background, and has announced the completion of 5 rounds of financing, with a total financing amount of more than 60 million US dollars.

From a product and technology perspective. Manta's products include Manta Pacific, a Layer 2 network on Ethereum that uses Celestia as the DA layer, and Manta Atlantic, a Layer 1 network on Polkadot. Both are based on the ZK universal circuit and zkSBT developed by Manta. zkSBT will allow users to participate in the network in a trustless, decentralized manner and can provide seamless on-chain KYC services without providing any real-life personal information. In addition, in Manta Pacific, Manta created a ZK library to provide services for ZK Dapp developers on Ethereum and can provide high scalability and low transaction fees. In Manta Pacific, users can rely on a public account-based address system and a UTXO-based private address system to perform on-chain operations, thereby enabling private transactions.

From the perspective of token economics, the total number of MANTA tokens is 1 billion, and the annual inflation rate is 2%. The MANTA token will be used as the governance token of the Pacific and Atlantic networks, and as the main application token of the Atlantic network, it can also assume certain functions in the Pacific network.

Among the token distribution, the ecosystem accounts for 21.19%, the team and advisors account for 18.10%, investors account for 32.11%, airdrops account for 12.10%, Binance Launchpool accounts for 3%, and the treasury accounts for 13.50%. Relatively speaking, ecosystems account for a small proportion.

For detailed unlocking rules, please refer to: https://mantanetwork.medium.com/manta-tokenomics-b226f911c84c

Overall, as a privacy project, Manta has certain technical content and caters to current market hot spots. But in the long run, it is still doubtful whether privacy-type products can gain actual user use and market recognition. 👀Continue to observe~