Upcoming Coin Unlockings

In the imminent days, the following coins are set to unlock...

The unlocking process often introduces price volatility, driven by the delicate balance of supply versus demand as additional coins enter the circulating supply.

- $APE (4.23%) - $22 million on January 17th, 2024

- $1INCH (0.03%) - $0.16 million on January 18th, 2024

- $AXS (2.53%) - $27.16 million on January 18th, 2024

- $EUL (0.59%) - $0.36 million on January 18th, 2024

- $NYM (0.52%) - $0.61 million on January 19th, 2024

- $INJ (4.35%) - $156.19 million on January 21st, 2024

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