[Daily Market Report of the Currency Circle]

#BTC #XAI #tia #sui #op🔥🔥

1. In terms of mainstream currencies, BTC and ETH did not break through the new lows of 41,500 and 2,460 in the early morning of last Saturday. Bitcoin rebounded after falling to 41710, and then fluctuated within the price range of 41700--43400; eth rebounded after falling to 2470, and then fluctuated within the price range of 2500--2550.

2. In terms of newly listed currencies, the xai currency of web3 games has increased by more than 30% for three consecutive days, reaching a maximum of 1.188. The current price is 1.138, but it has not exceeded the highest price of 1.2 after being listed on Binance.

3. There were several popular currencies that hit new highs yesterday:

tia currency, the highest price is 20.39, the current price is 19.1;

sui coin, the highest price is 1.45, the current price is 1.37,

rad coin, the highest price is 2.4, the current price is 1.95,

T coin, the highest price is 0.0434, the current price is 0.0346,

4. As the Cancun upgrade approaches on the 17th, the performance of related currencies is as follows:

arb currency fluctuates in the price range of 2--2.17, and the current price is 2.09, which is at a historical high.

Op coin, in the price range of 3.4--3.6, the current price is 3.437, fluctuating within the daily level. After breaking through a new high of 4.284 on the 12th of this month, it has been in a downward trend.

GMX currency was in a downward range yesterday, with the current price being 51.58.

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