When faced with the lack of practical applications of BRC20, some people began to worry about its future development. However, we cannot ignore the power of community. A strong community that inspires innovation and unlocks potential. Imagine that if the market value of BRC20 can increase 100 times in the future, it will inevitably attract a large number of technical talents to join in and jointly promote its development. At the same time, the flow of funds and donations within the community will also provide support for the birth of various application projects.

What we often see is that private equity funds and application projects come first, and then the community forms. But looking back at the development history of Bitcoin, we can find a different trajectory. Bitcoin started from a small community without private equity support. As the community continues to grow and develop, new blockchain technologies and applications have gradually emerged. This provides us with a valuable revelation: a model that starts with community development and then gradually develops applications is completely feasible.

In this process, the passion and creativity of community members are key. They are not only believers in BRC20, but also the source of motivation for its forward development. Let us look forward to the wonderful performance of BRC20 in the future and witness the rise of an application ecosystem born from the community.

#Terra #brc20aodo $ORDI $1000SATS