#DeFi #yieldfarming #DEX #Arbitrum #BNBChain

Decentralized finance (DeFi) has changed the way we think about financial services. With DeFi, users can earn passive income by staking or locking their crypto assets. But not all yield is created equal. AsgardX is a DeFi ecosystem that offers real yield, which means users earn returns based on protocols sharing their revenue for staking or locking tokens, rather than just receiving inflationary rewards tokens. In this article, we will explore how AsgardX generates protocol revenue and shares it with contributors.

Real Yield Narrative in DeFi

Real yield is a concept that originated in traditional finance. It measures nominal returns minus inflation. However, in DeFi, real yield has become a catchphrase for yields generated by economic activity and fees obtained from services provided. AsgardX is at the forefront of this narrative, proposing a model of DeFi where users' returns are based on protocols sharing their revenue for staking or locking tokens.

AsgardX Ecosystem

AsgardX is an ecosystem focused on real yield earning through decentralized exchange, launchpad, and AI farming. It uses a dual-token model with the primary currency being ODIN and its escrowed version called xODIN, which are both utilized for staking rewards and governance purposes.

The protocol charges 1% on buying and 1% on selling $ODIN, and 30% of the tax collected will be used as a reward for $ODIN stakers. AsgardX also generates revenue from its dual liquidity model, consisting of a Liquidity Protocol and an Aggregation Protocol. The transaction fee from DEX trades is shared between liquidity providers and token holders who participate in the rewards program.

The AsgardX Launchpad supports top-tier projects in raising funds, with all tokens subsequently listed on the AsgardX DEX. This has helped bootstrap the Total Value Locked on AsgardX and within the Arbitrum Ecosystem. Additionally, the Launchpad is integrated with the DEX, generating more revenue. The profit from the Launchpad will be distributed in parts to protocol contributors.

AsgardX also leverages AI to maximize revenue for the protocol from farming pools by collecting data from various chains and implementing optimized strategies. The protocol's profits from pending allocations are farmed by cross-chain AI in the most profitable and secure stablecoin pools. The AI dashboard displays all transactions and the pool farms that the AI is using, along with their ratings, farming time, end time, and estimated profits. In the future, $ODIN token holders will have the ability to vote on the direction of AI development through AsgardX's governance structure, AsgardX DAO.

To ensure the sustainability of AsgardX's tokenomics, there is a supply hard cap, carefully crafted emissions, and additional deflationary measures in place. Revenues generated by the main features are partly redistributed to xODIN holders as real yield and used for buyback and burn activities, creating constant buying pressure on ODIN.

xODIN Token

xODIN is a non-transferable escrowed governance token, corresponding to staked ODIN. Each staked xODIN token will earn the same amount of xODIN as a regular ODIN token. xODIN can be used in two ways: staked for real yield rewards or vested to become actual ODIN tokens over a period of one year. Note that xODIN is not meant to be transferable.

In conclusion, AsgardX is an innovative DeFi ecosystem that offers real yield to users, which is based on protocols sharing their revenue for staking or locking tokens. The ecosystem is designed for sustainability, with carefully crafted emissions, deflationary measures,