Dabai has compiled news on various currencies for your reference:

Pay attention to the latest news of Dabai in a timely manner, for more spot goods, Heyue codes and various news for your reference!

1.APE - Otherside Trip 3 is scheduled to begin in February. Registration is open until January 15th.

2.ATOM - Cosmos Hub has opened voting to reduce the minimum inflation rate of ATOM from 7% to 0%.

3.CPOOL - Clearpool announced the launch of Credit Vaults, which will be launched on the new chain soon.

4.DENT - DENT announces the upcoming launch of DENTNet.

5.LEVER - LeverFi announced the launch of the first BRC-20 Launchpad, a public sale of staking LEVER, and snapshots will be launched soon.

6.MNT - Mantle’s ETH liquidity staking (mETH) has a TVL of over $500 million, ranking fifth in the LSD circuit thanks to LSD’s 7% annual interest rate.

7.#RIF - RIF Technology announces the upcoming launch of the RIF Wallet.