
In trading, discipline refers to the ability to stick to your trading plan and rules consistently. It means avoiding impulsive decisions driven by emotions and following a systematic approach which may help you manage risks and secure potential benefits. A disciplined trader is one who can control their impulses, maintain focus, and doesn’t let emotions cloud their judgment.

To exemplify discipline in action, let’s consider a scenario. Imagine someone had a series of successful trades, and starts feeling overconfident. Instead of adhering to their risk management strategy, they increase their position size significantly on a high-risk trade, hoping for even larger profits. However, the market turned against them, and suffered significant losses due to their lack of discipline.


Patience, in the context of trading, is the ability to wait for potential opportunities and not rush into trades out of fear of missing out (FOMO). A patient trader understands that the market may offer potential opportunities, however trying to catch every single one may lead to poor decision-making. Being patient involves waiting for potential, ensuring it aligns with your trading strategy, and entering trades with a calm and composed mindset.

Consider a situation where you’ve been eyeing a particular stock for a while, but it hasn’t shown any significant movement. A patient trader may wait for the stock’s price to reach a level that aligns with their analysis and entry criteria. On the other hand, an impatient trader might jump into the trade prematurely, increasing the chances of losses.