Avive stands as a global leader, with users from over 130 countries and 20,000+ cities, establishing it as the world's largest token gated community. Through the active engagement of Avive citizens on our platform, we have achieved an unprecedented milestone by amassing the largest number of sovereign individual souls, encompassing both on-chain and off-chain footprints.

This remarkable achievement is a testament to the diverse and widespread adoption of Avive, as individuals from around the world come together to explore and contribute to this groundbreaking social ecosystem. The seamless integration of on-chain and off-chain interactions within Avive empowers users to express their identities and forge deep connections with others, transcending traditional social boundaries.

Avive has consciously aimed to establish a social world that upholds values of freedom, equality, and openness. In this realm, the power of discourse is decentralized, ensuring that no privileged few monopolize influence. a vibrant and interconnected community.

Avive recognizes the value of real-world relationships and understands that strong offline connections enrich the overall social experience. By seamlessly integrating online and offline networking, as well as Virtual Reality (VR), AR and MR technology, Avive aims to create a holistic social environment where users can effortlessly navigate between the digital and physical realms, harnessing the best of both worlds.

Through the power of MR, Avive takes the concept of social interaction to new heights. Users can immerse themselves in captivating virtual environments and engage with others in a more immersive and lifelike manner.

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#Avive - Proof Of Networking Protocol

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