Our Thoughts are followers of society.

Society gives birth to our thoughts we think, words we speak, and acts we do.

We keep pleasing ´the other` to get pleased and loved by that other; therefore, we fail to achieve real peace that our being requires actually..

We want to be introduced by the world around us..We think that we are incomplete and can be complete by adopting likes and erasing dislikes of world..We don`t think beyond standards made by people around us..We  move under remote control of society..We are addicted to be controled and priosoned by others..This addiction leads to the world of illusions blurring our Real being; it blocks one`s divine abilities. So the problem is other. All the griefs and anxyties are the biproduct of the other one. it can be any thing to who you pay attention and waste your all energy; finally, you lose pure essence of your being/existance and  become a helpless toy whic has to be performed by that other..

The only way to skip this fake living style is to know yourself..By removing lens of world or society we may erase fake labells and fake identities. To unvail the pure self we need to shun the desire of recognition we stick..A deep look is needed to enter in our self by detaching all the attachments we are attached with.

#thoughts #freedom #Realbeing #Peace