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The problems faced by Brazil in several areas reflect significant challenges ranging from structural, regulatory and environmental issues to issues of inclusion and technology. Here is a summary of the main issues in each sector:

Real Estate Registration

  1. Lack of Transparency: Difficulties in tracking and verifying real estate transactions.

  2. Informal Transactions: Real estate market with a high incidence of informal activities.

  3. Tax Evasion: Widespread tax evasion in real estate transactions.

  4. Incomplete or Inaccurate Documentation: Documentation is often inadequate and unreliable.

  5. Complex Legal and Regulatory Framework: Difficulties due to the complexity and overlap of regulations.

  6. Inconsistent Property Valuation: Non-standardized and inconsistent valuation methods.

  7. Lack of Qualified Professionals: Lack of expertise in the sector.

  8. Delayed or Incomplete Property Registrations: Slow and bureaucratic registration processes.

  9. Limited Adoption of Technology: Persistence of manual and outdated systems.

  10. Lack of Inspection and Enforceability: Ineffectiveness in regulation and supervision.


  1. Illegal Logging: Devastation of forests due to illegal practices.

  2. Deforestation for Agriculture: Agricultural expansion causing loss of forests.

  3. Forest Fires: Destruction caused by natural and provoked fires.

  4. Infrastructure Development: Projects that compromise forest areas.

  5. Invasion of Indigenous Lands: Violation of indigenous rights and territories.

  6. Lack of Oversight and Governance: Inadequate governance and insufficient resources.

  7. Weak Land Tenure Systems: Problems related to land ownership and use.

  8. Impact on Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities: Disregard for local rights and cultures.

  9. Loss of Biodiversity: Drastic decrease in biological diversity.

  10. Implications for Climate Change: Contribution to global warming.


  1. Deforestation: Negative environmental impacts of agribusiness expansion.

  2. Land Conflicts: Territorial disputes and rights violations.

  3. Soil Degradation: Soil erosion and impoverishment due to inadequate practices.

  4. Water Pollution: Contamination of water resources by agrochemicals.

  5. Biodiversity Loss: Destruction of habitats and species.

  6. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Contribution to global warming.

  7. Exploitation of Labor: Unfair and precarious working conditions.

  8. Improper Use of Pesticides: Risks to health and the environment.

  9. Lack of Sustainable Practices: Predominance of unsustainable production methods.

Mineral Exploration

  1. Illegal Mining: Unregulated and destructive activities.

  2. Environmental Impact: Significant environmental damage from mining.

  3. Territorial Rights and Indigenous Communities: Conflicts and impacts on traditional communities.

  4. Lack of Infrastructure: Logistical and technological challenges in the sector.

  5. Corruption and Illegal Trade: Problems of governance and illegality.

  6. Regulatory Challenges: Complexity and bureaucracy in regulations.

  7. Socioeconomic Impacts: Inequalities and dependence on mining.

  8. Mine Rehabilitation and Closure: Challenges in mitigating post-mining impacts.

  9. Sustainable Practices and Social Responsibility: Need for greater sustainability and ethics.

Power generation

  1. Dependence on Hydroelectric Energy: Vulnerability to climate variations.

  2. Insufficient Diversification of Energy Sources: Slow adoption of alternatives.

  3. Old Infrastructure: Need for modernization and maintenance.

  4. Lack of Transmission Capacity: Difficulties in energy distribution.

  5. Inadequate Energy Storage Capacity: Challenges in storing excess energy.

  6. Environmental Impact: Ecological consequences of dams and other sources.

  7. Energy Theft: Losses and challenges associated with illegality.

  8. Inequality in Access: Limited access in remote or disadvantaged regions.

  9. Regulatory Challenges: Complexity in the regulatory environment.

  10. Energy Pricing and Subsidies: Distortions and challenges in fair pricing.

Financial services

  1. Limited Access to Banking Services: Physical and technological barriers to access.

  2. High Bank Fees: Prohibitive costs of financial services.

  3. Limited Financial Literacy: Lack of basic financial knowledge.

  4. Inadequate Financial Infrastructure: Deficiencies in infrastructure for services.

  5. Insufficient Credit Options: Difficulties in accessing loans and credits.

  6. Lack of Tailored Financial Products: Products unsuitable for local needs.

  7. Limited Investment Opportunities: Restriction on investment options.

  8. Inconsistent Banking Services: Irregularity and inefficiency of services.

  9. Lack of Digital Literacy and Access to Technology: Significant technological barriers.

  10. Fraud and Security Issues: Vulnerability to fraud and scams.

These problems reflect the complexity and interconnectedness of social, economic and environmental issues, and highlight the need for integrated, innovative and sustainable approaches to development and governance.