According to Wu, Wu learned that according to @ralexstokes’ summary of the 191st Ethereum Executive Core Developer Meeting (ACDE), the meeting mainly discussed: Pectra upgrade related (Devnet-1 is expected to be released in the next week or two, and the new updates of EIP-7702 will be reflected in Devnet-2).

Discuss whether EIP-7212 should be included in the upgrade and the decision will be made at the next meeting (EIP-7212: the first Rollup improvement proposal, which aims to achieve secure and cost-effective verification of the secp256k1 curve. It will rebuild the way signatures work, thus creating the prerequisite for the network to switch to a smart contract wallet mechanism).

The proposal to add events to the pre-deployed system contract in order to achieve cross-layer communication between EIP-7002 and EIP-7251 was discussed, and the developers basically reached a consensus (EIP-7251 & EIP-7002: the former is to increase the maximum effective balance, and the latter is that the execution layer can trigger an exit).

Finally, the meeting also discussed the deactivation of EIP-158 (EIP-158 reduces state bloat by deleting empty accounts, but it may also accidentally delete stored data; the account handling method of EIP-7702 just solves this drawback).